
修改後.錯誤訊息(Snapshotfoundfor「host」,backupwillnottakeplace)會出現此錯誤訊息,主要是因為當正在使用的虛擬機VM要備份的時後,會先做出一個snapshot檔。,2016年3月16日—IuseGhettoVBCtobackupsomeVMsonaHOSTandit'sbeenworkingfineforalongtime.DuetospacerequirementsIchangedaVMonthis ...,loggerdebugSnapshotnotfoundfor$VM_NAME}'sin...loggerinfoSnapshotfoundfor$VM_NAME},backupwillnotta...

(VMesxi 備份篇

修改後. 錯誤訊息(Snapshot found for「host」, backup will not take place) 會出現此錯誤訊息,主要是因為當正在使用的虛擬機VM要備份的時後,會先做出一個snapshot檔。

After moving Snapshot folder loacion, ghetto not b...

2016年3月16日 — I use Ghetto VBC to backup some VMs on a HOST and it's been working fine for a long time. Due to space requirements I changed a VM on this ...

Fix the problem when VM has snapshots #22

logger debug Snapshot not found for $VM_NAME}.-n. fi. #ignore VM as it's in ... logger info Snapshot found for $VM_NAME}, backup will not take place-n.

ghettoVCB not backing up ESXi 5.0 VMs

2013年1月29日 — When I try and run the script on one of my VMs it fails with the error Snapshot found for ServerName, backup will not take place! The thing is ...

ghettoVcb proble snapshot missing

2013年8月9日 — good morning i have a problem wnen i try backup a virtual machine in esxi 5.1 i use ghettoVcb script report this problem .Snapshot found ...

GhettoVCB snapshot failures on ESXI 4.0

2013年6月14日 — I read the documentation and it just says nothing about backuping a vm when there are snapshots of it. The script just does not do a backup of ...

LXC snapshot backup fails

2023年10月11日 — Hi, I have experienced several backup job failures that happen when a LXC backup job begins. As the logs below show, the snapshot backup ...

Site backups not working. Error message

2023年4月29日 — I've been trying to preview my past backups, but I receive an error “Snapshot not found”. I do not know what to do to fix the bug.

Why can't we back up snapshots too? · Issue #104

2017年3月9日 — A long-time TODO of mine is trying to change the shutdown, take snapshot and backup logic to shutdown, take snapshot, START VM, backup. This way ...

VM Explorer。完整備份還原ESX與ESXi的虛擬主機

VM Explorer。完整備份還原ESX與ESXi的虛擬主機
